See what’s new at Loop!
October 2024
Linking status
A new column is now available on the Payables Table. The linking status reflects the status of the link between the payable invoice and the shipment job.
Linked: Payable Invoice and Shipment Job is successfully linked
In Progress: Payable Invoice and Shipment Job not linked yet
The confirm payee workflow has been updated to include:
A list of invoice artifacts for easy reference
Consolidated organizations with an explanation of why the organization is displayed
A search function on the bottom of the page
UI Improvements
The Shipments, Payables, Receivables, and Payments tables were upgraded with the organization filters. If the organization exists, you can now filter and search for it!
After selecting the "organization" a drop-down list will appear with all the customers/carriers. You can also type the name into the search bar
Once the filter is added you can change the setting to "is" or "is not"
September 2024
Uploading Artifacts
You can now categorize newly uploaded supporting artifact types on a shipment job.
Under the supporting artifact section, click the"Upload supporting artifact" button
A pop-up will appear to add the file
The top left button "uncategorized" has a drop-down list of artifact types
The top right three-dot button allows you to mark the new file as proof of delivery
Select "Upload" once completed
When uploaded, a new artifact will appear under the "artifacts" tab on the shipment job or AP Invoice. Hover over the hourglass or check mark sign to see the artifact processing status:
Categorizing: artifacts that have been uploaded and are in the process of getting assigned an artifact type
Updating or Performing document audit: artifacts that are in progress either updating the original source or performing the document audit check
Processing Complete: artifacts that are done
This new feature allows you to interact with both the related shipment job or invoice with the artifact. Click on an artifact title to open the viewer on the opposite half of the page. The three-dot button allows you to:
View details
Mark as proof of delivery
Attach to AR Invoice
On the right-hand side billing panel on a shipment job, click the arrow button on the top right corner to expand the Payables and Receivables tabs. This allows you to view related AP and AR invoices side by side.
You are now able to create an AP or AR invoice manually. This new feature allows you to quickly move an invoice through Loop's system. On the billing summary side panel, click the three-dot button to "Create new AP Invoice" or "Create new AR Invoice."
UI Improvements
Table Download is available on the Organizations table. Add filters to narrow down the list and click the upper right-hand button to generate the download.
We added a QuickPay filter button on the Payables table that shows the AP invoices eligible for QuickPay discounts.
August 2024
In the Organization tab, the Account Status has been updated to reflect the different scenarios of payment onboarding.
Tip: Hover over the status to view the definition
The goal is to surface payment-blocking issues more consistently. Simplified error messages appear in the payment panel which funnels users to the organization page where they can edit the missing information directly.
On the Payments table, filter by using the red triangle buzz icon. This button will filter all the payments that are "Action required: Payee not onboarded."
The new business exception "Unable to process payment" will automatically be added to payment-blocking invoices.
For carrier-type, the side tabs on the organization page have been updated to include a Factoring section where you can manage the factoring relationship.
Tip: click the "view factor assignment history" to see past factor relationships
For customer type, the organization page side tab "Invoicing Profile" now includes "Invoice finalization settings," allowing you to select specific requirements for the customer's AR Invoice.
July 2024
Upgraded Supporting Artifact Lists
Artifacts are now grouped with source information linked. Click the link to view the details. AP invoice artifact list only shows invoice artifacts and Supporting artifacts are displayed on the shipment.
You can easily upload artifacts with a new button on the shipment and AP Invoice
Click the three-dot button next to a supporting artifact to view details, mark as proof of delivery or download.
Receivable Table Updates
The Receivables Table has two major updates to improve user workflows. You can now bulk confirm and download.
Receivable Invoices Bulk Confirm, select the boxes in the far left column of the invoices you need to be confirmed. A lower banner will appear to "Finalize drafts."
To download, customize the table with filters, press the download button, and you’ll generate a CSV file.
This new feature provides the ability to assign, release, and create a new factor relationship all within Loop. Navigate to Network --> Organizations --> Payment Setting --> Manage -->Assign factor. In "Payment settings" you can also edit the organization's information:
Improved Search Functionality
Filters on the top banner enable more specific searching
Billing and Audit Statuses are displayed on the right side
Improved accessibility for navigating search and results
June 2024
Improved Payments Table
You can now clearly filter by Payment Status on the top banner. The new invoice column indicates how many invoices are attached to the payment. Click the buzz icons to view payments that are:
blocked by payee onboarding
have past due invoices
qualify for QuickPay discount
Learn more about confirmed and failed payments here
Provides the ability to manually remove offline payments and QuickPay discounts if no longer needed on the AP invoice.
Notes Update
Notes allow the user to leave comments on an AP or AR invoice. Now, you can view and edit these notes directly from the shipments page instead of navigating back to the invoice.
May 2024
Surfaces the bank connection status on the Organizations Table and allows resending email invitations straight from Loop.
Invite Sent - The onboarding email invite was successfully sent but the carrier has not completed the process
Invite Expired -The onboarding email invite has expired. Users can resend the invite or send it to a different email address
Invite Error - Invited Failed. Users need to use a different email address and resend the invite
Organizations Main Table
Organizations --> Payment settings --> Manage --> Send bank account invite
If Loop detects a payee as potentially incorrect, an exception will automatically be applied to the payable invoice entity. The exception will need to be reviewed and resolved by confirming/updating the payee.
Shows users specific actions made within Loop's system.
April 2024
Table Download
The feature is available on the Shimpent and Invoices tables. Provides the ability to take data out of Loop and use it for internal review and reporting.
To download, simply customize the table with filters, press the download button, and you’ll generate a CSV file. You can also select the boxes on the far left column to create an export.
In the Settings Tab under “System Activity,” you can view past downloads
Design Improvements
AP Invoice Page now shows the Payee FBO below the Payee if the carrier uses a factoring company
Navigation between AP Invoices and Shipments just got a lot easier!
You can now navigate directly from the AP invoice side panel on the shipment page to that invoice's detail page
New job cards
If the shipment has more than one job, the jobs are displayed via individual tabbed pages